Help on instance of Rigol in module rigol:
class Rigol
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, backend, idProduct=None, idVendor=None)
| acquireAverages(self, count)
| The commands set the average numbers in Average mode. <count>
| could be and integer of 2 times the power of N within 2 and 256.
| acquireMemDepth(self, depth)
| The commands set and query the memory depth of the oscilloscope. <depth>
| could be LONG (long memory) or NORMal (normal memory)
| acquireMode(self, mode)
| The commands set the current acquire mode of the oscilloscope.
| <mode> could be RTIM (Real time Sampling) or ETIM (Equivalent Sampling).
| acquireType(self, typ)
| The commands set the current acquire type of the oscilloscope.
| <type> could be NORM, AVER or PEAK.
| askAcquireAverages(self)
| The query returns 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 or 256.
| askAcquireMemDepth(self)
| The query returns LONG or NORMAL.
| askAcquireMode(self)
| Query acquire mode for oscilloscope.
| The query returns REAL_TIME or EQUAL_TIME.
| askAcquireSamplingRate(self, channel)
| The command queries the current sampling rate of the analog channel or digital
| channel (only for DS1000D series).
| askAcquireType(self)
| Query acquire type of oscilloscope.
| The query returns NORMAL, AVERAGE or PEAKDETECT
| askChannelBwlimit(self, channel)
| The query returns ON or OFF.
| askChannelCoupling(self, channel)
| The query returns AC, DC or GND.
| askChannelDisplay(self, channel)
| The query returns ON or OFF.
| askChannelFilter(self, channel)
| The query returns ON or OFF.
| askChannelInvert(self, channel)
| The query returns ON or OFF.
| askChannelMemoryDepth(self, channel)
| The command queries the memory depth of the specified channel. <n> could
| be 1 or 2.
| In long memory, up to 1Mpts could be stored in single channel and 512kpts in
| dual channels;
| In common memory, up to 16kpts could be stored in single channel and 8kpts in
| dual channels.
| askChannelOffset(self, channel)
| The query returns the setting value of <offset>.
| askChannelProbe(self, channel)
| The query returns the setting value of <attn>.
| askChannelScale(self, channel)
| query what the scale is for channel <channel>
| askChannelVernier(self, channel)
| The query returns Coarse or Fine.
| askDisplayBrightness(self)
| query the brightness of the grid
| returns a string from 0 to 32
| askDisplayGrid(self)
| The query returns FULL, HALF or NONE.
| askDisplayIntensity(self)
| Returns waveform brightness from 0 to 32
| askDisplayMnuDisplay(self)
| The query returns 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s, 20s or Infinite.
| askDisplayMnuStatus(self)
| The query returns ON or OFF.
| askDisplayPersist(self)
| The query returns ON or OFF.
| askDisplayType(self)
| The query returns VECTORS or DOTS.
| askKeyLock(self)
| The query returns ENABLE or DISABLE.
| askTeSensitivity(self)
| The query returns the setting value <count> in div.
| askTeSlope(self)
| The query returns POSITIVE or NEGATIVE.
| askTimebaseFormat(self)
| The query returns X-Y, Y-T or SCANNING.
| askTimebaseMode(self)
| The query returns MAIN or DELAYED.
| askTimebaseOffset(self, delayed=False)
| The query returns the setting value of the <offset> in s.
| askTimebaseScale(self, delayed=False)
| The query returns the setting value of <scale_val> in s.
| askTpMode(self)
| askTpSensitivity(self)
| The query returns the setting value of <count> in div.
| askTpWidth(self)
| The query returns the setting value of the <wid> in s.
| askTriggerCoupling(self, mode)
| The query returns DC, AC, HF or LF.
| askTriggerHoldoff(self)
| The query returns the setting value of <count> in s.
| askTriggerLevel(self, mode)
| The query returns the setting value of <level> in V.
| askTriggerMode(self)
| queries trigger mode
| askTriggerSource(self, mode)
| query what trigger source is being used.
| mode - can be any of ["EDGE", "PULS", "VIDEO", "SLOP", "PATT", "DUR", "ALT"]
| askTriggerStatus(self)
| The command queries the operating status of the oscilloscope. The status could
| be RUN, STOP, T`D, WAIT or AUTO.
| askTriggerSweep(self, mode)
| The query returns AUTO, NORMAL or SINGLE.
| askTsLevelA(self)
| The query returns the setting value of level in V.
| askTsLevelB(self)
| The query returns the setting value of level in V.
| Note: Level A (upper boundary) can not be less than the maximum of Level B
| (lower boundary).
| askTsMode(self)
| askTsSensitivity(self)
| The query returns the setting value of <count> in div.
| askTsTime(self)
| The query returns the setting value of <count> in s.
| askTsWindow(self)
| The query returns P_WIN_A, P_WIN_B, P_WIN_AB, N_WIN_A, N_WIN_B or
| askTvLine(self)
| askTvMode(self)
| The query returns ODD FIELD, EVEN FIELD, LINE or ALL LINES.
| askTvPolarity(self)
| The query returns POSITIVE or NEGATIVE.
| askTvSensitivity(self)
| The query returns the setting value of <count> in div.
| askTvStandard(self)
| The query returns NTSC or PAL/SECAM.
| askWaveformData(self, source)
| returns 1024 data for <source>. Raw Data.
| run through numpy.frombuffer(data, "B") to get point data
| First 10 bytes are apparently a header, so we can skip those.
| askWaveformPointsMode(self)
| The query returns NORMal, MAXimum or RAW.
| auto(self)
| channelBwlimit(self, channel, on=True)
| The commands set and query the On/Off state of bandwidth limit. <n> could be
| 1 or 2.
| channelCoupling(self, channel, coupling)
| The commands set and query the coupling mode of channel. DC indicates both
| the AC and DC components passed from input signal; AC indicates the blocked
| DC components; GND indicates to cut off the input of signal; <n> could be 1 or
| 2.
| channelDisplay(self, channel, on=True)
| channel - either 1 or 2
| on - boolean value for turning the display on or off for the given channel.
| channelFilter(self, channel, on=True)
| The commands set and query the On/Off state of the filter. <n> could be 1 or 2.
| channelInvert(self, channel, on=True)
| The commands set and query the On/Off state of the waveform inverted. <n>
| could be 1 or 2.
| channelOffset(self, channel, offset)
| The commands set and query the vertical offset. <n> could be 1 or 2.
| When Scale≥250mV, the range of <offset>is -40V~+40V;
| When Scale<250mV, the range of <offset>is -2V~+2V.
| channelProbe(self, channel, attn)
| The commands set and query the attenuation factor of the probe. <n> could be
| 1 or 2; <attn> could be 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500 or 1000.
| channelScale(self, channel, v)
| channel - Which channel to scale.
| v - voltage scale
| The commands set and query the vertical scale of waveform magnified by the
| oscilloscope. <n> could be 1 or 2.
| When the Probe is set to 1X, the range of <range> is 2mV ~ 10V;
| When the Probe is set to 5X, the range of <range> is 10mV ~50V;
| When the Probe is set to 10X, the range of <range> is 20mV ~ 100V;
| When the Probe is set to 50X, the range of <range> is 100mV ~ 500V;
| When the Probe is set to 100X, the range of <range> is 200mV ~ 1000V;
| When the Probe is set to 500X, the range of <range> is 1V ~5000V;
| When the Probe is set to 1000X, the range of <range> is 2V~ 10000V.
| channelVernier(self, channel, on=True)
| The commands set and query the adjusting mode of scale. ON denotes Fine,
| OFF denotes Coarse; <n> could be 1 or 2.
| convertVoltages(self, data, source)
| data - numpy array of unconverted voltage values.
| displayBrightness(self, level)
| Changes the brightness level of the grid.
| level - Brightness level from 0 to 32
| displayClear(self)
| The command clears out of date waveforms on the screen during waveform
| persist.
| displayGrid(self, grid)
| The commands set and query the state of the screen grid. <grid> could be FULL
| (open the background grid and coordinates), HALF (turn off the background grid)
| or NONE (turn off the background grid and coordinates).
| displayIntensity(self, level)
| level - intensity level from 0 to 32
| displayMnuDisplay(self, t)
| The commands set and query the time for hiding menus automatically. <time>
| could be 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s, 20s or Infinite.
| displayMnuStatus(self, disp=True)
| The commands set and query the state of the operation menu.
| disp can take boolean values True or False, to either display
| menu status or not.
| displayPersist(self, persist=True)
| The commands set and query the state of the waveform persist. “ON” denotes
| the record points hold until disable the presist, “OFF” denotes the record point
| varies in high refresh rate.
| persist can take on boolean values True or False.
| displayType(self, typ)
| The commands set the display type between sampling points. <type>
| could be VECT (vector display) or DOTS (point display).
| getWaveform(self, source)
| The data that is extracted from the oscilloscope needs to be inverted,
| multiplied by a constant and shifted by some voltage offset to get the
| true values.
| A custom method for retrieving the corrected voltage values out of the
| oscilloscope.
| hardcopy(self)
| Apparently saves a bitmap of the screen somewhere, but I have no idea where.
| identify(self)
| keyLock(self, enable=True)
| This command is used to enable/disable the buttons function on the front panel
| (except for “Force”).
| measureVpp(self, channel)
| channel is either 1 or 2
| returns peak to peak voltage in Volts.
| reset(self)
| run(self)
| stop(self)
| Stops data acquisition
| teSensitivity(self, count)
| The commands set and query the sensitive of edge trigger. The range of
| <count> could be 0.1div~1div.
| teSlope(self, positive=True)
| The commands set and query the type of edge trigger. The type could be
| POSitive (Rising edge) or NEGative (Failing edge).
| timebaseFormat(self, format)
| The commands set and query the horizontal timebase. <value> could be XY, YT
| or SCANning.
| timebaseMode(self, mode)
| The commands set and query the scan mode of horizontal timebase. <mode>
| could be MAIN (main timebase) or DELayed (delayed scan).
| timebaseOffset(self, offset, delayed=False)
| The commands set and query the offset of the MAIN or DELayed timebase (that
| is offset of the waveform position relative to the trigger midpoint.). Thereinto,
| In NORMAL mode, the range of <scale_val> is 1s ~ end of the memory;
| In STOP mode, the range of <scale_val> is -500s ~ +500s;
| In SCAN mode, the range of <scale_val> is -6*Scale ~ +6*Scale; (Note: Scale
| indicates the current horizontal scale, the unit is s/div.)
| In MAIN state, the item [:DELayed] should be omitted.
| timebaseScale(self, scale, delayed=False)
| The commands set and query the horizontal scale for MAIN or DELayed
| timebase, the unit is s/div (seconds/grid), thereinto:
| In YT mode, the range of <scale_val> is 2ns - 50s;
| In ROLL mode, the range of <scale_val> is 500ms - 50s;
| In MAIN state, the item [:DELayed] should be omitted.
| tpMode(self, mode)
| The commands set and query the pulse condition. <mode> could be
| +GREaterthan (positive pulse greater than), +LESSthan (positive pulse less
| than), +EQUal (positive pulse equals to), -GREaterthan (negative pulse greater
| than), -LESSthan (negative pulse less than) or –EQUal (negative pulse equals
| to).
| tpSensitivity(self, count)
| The commands set and query the sensitive of pulse trigger. The range of
| <count> could be 0.1div~1div.
| tpWidth(self, width)
| The commands set and query the pulse width. The range of <wid> is 20ns ~
| 10s.
| trigger50(self)
| The command sets the trigger level to the vertical midpoint of amplitude.
| triggerCoupling(self, mode, coupling)
| The commands set and query the coupling type. Thereinto,
| DC: Allow all signals pass.
| AC: Block DC signals and attenuate the signals lower than 10Hz.
| HF: Reject high frequency signals (Higher than 150KHz).
| LF: Reject DC signals and attenuate low frequency signals (Lower than 8KHz).
| <mode> could be :EDGE, :PULSe or :SLOPe.
| triggerForce(self)
| The command forces the oscilloscope to trigger signal, which is usually used in
| “Normal” and “Single” mode.
| triggerHoldoff(self, count)
| The commands set and query the trigger holfoff time. The range of <count> is
| <count>: 500ns~1.5s.
| triggerLevel(self, mode, level)
| The commands set and query the trigger level. <mode> could be :EDGE, :PULSe
| or :VIDEO; the range of <level> is: -6*Scale~+6*Scale, Scale indicates the current vertical
| scale, the unit is V/div.
| triggerMode(self, mode)
| sets trigger mode
| see valid_modes variable for valid mode values.
| triggerSource(self, mode, source)
| sets trigger mode and source
| triggerSweep(self, mode, sweep)
| The commands set and query the trigger type. <mode>could be :EDGE,
| :PULSe, :SLOPe, :PATTern or :DURation.
| sweep can take values [AUTO, NORM, SING]
| tsLevelA(self, value)
| The commands set and query the upper boundary “Level A” of trigger level. The
| range of <value> is LevelB~+ 6*Scale; Scale indicates the current vertical level,
| the unit is V/div.
| tsLevelB(self, value)
| The commands set and query the lower boundary “LEVel B” of trigger level. The
| range of <value> is -6*Scale~LevelA; Scale indicates the current vertical level,
| the unit is V/div.
| tsMode(self, mode)
| The commands set and query the slope condition. <mode> could be
| +GREaterthan (positive slope greater than), +LESSthan (positive slope less
| than), + EQUal (positive slope equals to), -GREaterthan (negative slope greater
| than), -LESSthan (negative slope less than) or –EQUal (negative slope equals
| to).
| tsSensitivity(self, count)
| The commands set and query the trigger sensitive. The range of <count> is:
| 0.1div ~1div.
| tsTime(self, count)
| The commands set and query the time setting about slope trigger. The range of
| <count> is 20ns~10s.
| tsWindow(self, count)
| The commands set and query the type of trigger level which can be adjusted by
| the level knob on the oscilloscope.
| When the slope condition is +GREaterthan, +LESSthan or + EQUal, <count>
| could be PA (rising edge Level A), PB (rising edge Level B) or PAB (rising edge
| Level AB);
| When the slope condition is -GREaterthan, -LESSthan or –EQUal, <count> could
| be NA (falling edge Level A), NB (falling edge LevelB) or NAB (falling edge
| LevelAB).
| tvLine(self, value)
| The commands set and query the number of specified line of synchronous. In
| NTSC standard, the range of <value> is 1~525; in PAL/SECAM standard, the
| range of <value> is 1~625.
| tvMode(self, mode)
| The commands set and query the synchronous mode of the video trigger.
| <mode> could be ODDfield, EVENfield, LINE or ALLlines.
| tvPolarity(self, pos_polarity=True)
| The commands set and query the video polarity. The polarity could be POSitive
| or NEGative.
| tvSensitivity(self, count)
| The commands set and query the trigger sensitive, the range of <count> is:
| 0.1div ~1div.
| tvStandard(self, ntsc=True)
| The commands set and query the type of video trigger standard.
| waveformPointsMode(self, mode)
| This command sets the mode of waveform points. <points_mode> can be:
| NORMal, MAXimum or RAW.
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data and other attributes defined here:
| backends = ['usbtmc']